The Coalition of Somali human rights defenders CSHRDS senior members led by the deputy Chairperson (Asad Dh. accompanied by senior staff of the coalition, namely;
Sayid A., Mohamed A., Fadumo A., Iqra A., Fardowso F., and Amani A.) Had a meeting today with the director of the human rights department, the chair lady of the ministerial committee of the women’s quota and the general director of the ministry of women and human development in their HQ. office in Mogadishu.

The officail meeting discussed most pressing current human rights issues e.g. ensuring women’s 30% quota and unifying efforts of human rights observation during elections in Somalia through hotline coordination and real time information sharing and exchange.
The meeting highlighted the importance of human rights advocacy work in Somalia and creation of close collaboration and cooperation amongst all stakeholders in order to achieve the shared strategic goals to improve the human rights situation of Somalia. CSHRDS as CSO specializes in human rights advocacy led by experts working in the field stressed the importance of unifying efforts to improve the human rights advocacy work for the best.
CSHRDS Advocacy Desk