Somalia: CSHRDs invited to Join the HOA Civil Society Forum.

Somalia: CSHRDs invited to Join the HOA Civil Society Forum.

The new year of 2022 starts for the coalition of Somali human rights defenders CSHRDS with receiving an invitation from the HOA Civil Society Forum to join as one of its new members.

The Logo of the HOA Civil society forum.
Logo of the CSHRDS.

The invitation is quite below:

“DATE: 5, January, 2022

From: The Horn of Africa Civil Society Forum

To: Coalition of Somali Human Rights Defenders (CSHRD) Dear Coalition of Somali Human Rights Defenders, It is with great pleasure that we invite you to join the Horn of Africa Civil Society Forum. After being on hold for a long period of time due to covid-19 , the forum will resume its activities shortly. The Horn of Africa Civil Society Forum was established by Al Khatim Adlan Center for Enlightenment and Human Development (KACE), which currently acts as the Forum’s secretariat. The HOACS Forum is a regional network of CSOs working together to monitor and expand civic space in Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda. It was founded in March 2016 in response to the diminishing civic society space in the region, and the difficult legal and practical environment for CSOs in these countries..The overarching aim of the project is to increase space for civil society action to promote human rights and good governance in the 10 Horn of Africa member countries. In order to advance this overall aim, the project seeks to build the capacity of the members & coordinating advocacy efforts. Al-Khatim Adlan Center for Enlightenment and Human Development (KACE) currently hosts the secretariat in Khartoum, Sudan.The Secretariat houses the HoACS Forum,Supports the Steering Committee in the implementation of the plan of action of the forum and provide logistical support for the forum’s activities.”

This demonstrates the significance and importance of cross border Civil Society networking.

CSHRDs Secretariat


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