Press Release (immediate press release) KDF Massacres unarmed Civilians in Raaskambooni, Somalia.

Press Release (immediate press release) KDF Massacres unarmed Civilians in Raaskambooni, Somalia.

(Press Release dated; 25 March, 2022) – Kenya defense force kdf that is part of AMISOM has deliberately perpetrated summery & extra judicial killing against non-combatant civilians from the nomad community in Raskamboni (in Kismayo suburb) on 21st March, 2022. The kdf attacked the community and selectively gathered young men and killed them instantly on spot. KDF’s brutal attack came unprovoked according to eyewitnesses who spoke to Horn Afrik News Agency for Human Rights& to Saransoor Media outlets.

The confirmed civilian casualties (extra-judicially killed civilians by kdf) include:
1-Ibrahim Ali Mohamed
Age (unconfirmed)

2-Hassan Ahmed muuddoow
-Age: 30 yrs old
3-mohamed Ismail shigoow – Age 20 years old
-Born in oodoow, raaskaambooni

4-issack kaahiye abdirahman
-Age 18 years old (reportedly succumbed later to his severe injuries)
-Born in oodoow, raaskaambooni

KDF is engaged in series of war crimes in side Somalia in the pretext of fighting alshabab, despite security analysts and local human rights monitors accusing them of systematically carrying out extra judicial and summery killings against civilians in kismayo area.

Saransoor media outlet reported the attack of the kdf (part or AMISOM) and the report is confirmed by multiple credible sources including community leaders of the targeted community by the brutal kdf attack.

**Autopsy and crime experts describe the scene as where the victims were gathered systematically and bullets were sprayed at them from automatic rifle machine guns to murder them. The perpetrators (kdf) intentionally murdered their victims in premeditated style, and the experts incited the number of bullets that each of the victim has in different parts of his body.

(Photos below @courtesy or Saransoor media outlet show the bodies of at least three victims of recent extra judicial and summery killings by kdf in Raaskambooni, as well as civilians mainly women and children peacefully deminstrating against the increasing aggression of the kdf.)

The community members demonstrated subsequently against the kdf brutality and sustained war crimes against the unprotected nomad communities in Raaskambooni, Somalia. Community leaders accused kdf of arbitrary arrests of civilians and torturing them to death and some other confirmed human rights occurrences, kdf has perpetrated summery and extra judicial killings in the area routinely with full impunity and without inquiry.

Coalition of Somali human rights defenders CSHRDS condemns this barbaric and brutal massacre of non-combatant civilians perpetrated by the Kenyan defense force kdf (Part of AMISOM) with the strongest terms. We call for an international inquiry into this heinous crime and subsequent accountability. We call up on AMISOM to take immediate action to protect civilians against the sustained deadly attacks by kdf.

CSHRDs Human Rights Monitoring Desk

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